As with any other government workers, USPS employees certainly get an opportunity to obtain disability retirement through the OPM (Office of Personnel Management).
In this article, we will summarize all the important things to be eligible to get federal retirement disability for government employees, Fore more details refer to liteblue eretire.
Federal Retirement with Disability (Eligibility & Requirement)
Eligibility – First of all, you have to qualify to request. A Federal government employee gets basic eligibility simply by meeting specific time within service requirements.
Just for FERS workers, you need to complete already a minimum of 1.5 years of continuous service. And For CSRS workers, you have to have completed 5yrs of continuous service.
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Disability – Once you have shown basic qualifications, you as a USPS employee have to prove that you have a disabling condition. Personnel Management (OPM) is going to check a disease or a medical condition – disabling for the federal retirement disability if you:
- have any disease or medical condition
- The disease or medical condition produces a deficiency in your working performance, attendance, or conduct.
One other way showing that your own medical condition or disease is disabling – especially if there isn’t any performance, attendance, or attendance deficiency – is to confirm that your own disease or medical condition is not compatible with either efficient service, retention, or use in your own present job position. This is also a part of the US Postal employee’s benefits.
Here is the hardest thing for you to prove.
Consider submitting proof of information below to be able to verify the disability component:
- Objective medical results that you get from your own treating specialist physicians.
- The evidence of disability and pain. It’s known as subjective evidence. This evidence might contain your sworn affidavit explaining precisely how the particular pain affects you.
- Any additional proof showing that your own disease or medical condition effects your capability to work in your civil service profession.
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Continuity – After you have proven OPM that you have basic eligibility, plus shown “Office of Personnel Management” that you have a disabling condition, you as a Postal worker will need to convince OPM that your disability problem is continuous.
Basically, if your own disabling condition is predicted to continue a minimum of 12 months from the actual date of the handicap retirement application is actually filed, you will have the ability to fulfill the continuity factor or element.
It will prevent workers with non-permanent disability conditions from getting the benefit of federal retirement disability. It is the easiest element that you can prove, however often appears to be probably the most easily ignored in the disability application.
Reassignment /Accommodation – After showing basic disability, continuity, and eligibility at, you as a USPS employee who applies to get federal retirement disability will have to show “Office of Personnel Management” that employing Agency is not able to provide the disability.
Normally it’s done by sending your own completed disability application to your own hiring Agency’s Human Resources (HR) office that is going to work along with the supervisor preparing your own “Supervisor Statement”. It’s a form that the Agency is going to add to the application of your federal disability retirement and send to OPM.
Application for SS Disability
Another last important element is that you also need to apply for SS Disability when looking for the “Office of Personnel Management” federal disability retirement (OPM). In fact, you do not actually need to get SS Disability, however, if you get it, then there might be 2 results.
1st, your own OPM annuity would be decreased so you do not “double-dip” your government for a similar disability.
2nd, if your SS Disability is accepted prior to the OPM disability, so you can use it as proof to support the application of your own OPM disability retirement.
3rd, if your SS Disability is accepted following the approval of your federal disability retirement, so you can end up owing OPM some money, plus you may be instructed to follow Government Regulations called the “set-aside” provision.
If your request is rejected, you’ll have another chance to ask OPM to reconsider the decision – in this case, you will want to file this particular request to get reconsidered within 1 month of the rejection of your request to get federal retirement for disability.
If not you won’t get any more appeal later. If a reconsideration request of yours is also rejected, will most likely get an appeal directly to the MSPB (Merit System Protection Board).
Visit the LiteBlue USPS Gov portal website to get more detail about federal disability retirement. that USPS employee site can only be accessed by all USPS employees.
Just fill in your USPS employee ID together with your PIN number and you’ll be ready to access the LiteBlue.USPS.Gov government website where all USPS staff can gather online.